24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

The holidays can be a difficult time to stay sober for many reasons—protect your sobriety with these tips.

1. Meetings and more meetings. As is true year-round, meetings are an important tool to keep us connected and sober. Stock up now. It’s always easier to keep going to meetings than to start going to meetings.

2. Marathon meetings and Fellowship events. Almost all regular meetings still take place on holidays, and many Fellowships hold special round-the-clock marathons. In addition to the events listed in this newsletter, check the announcements section of the EBI (East Bay Intergroup) website.

3. Commit to service. Sign up to host a marathon meeting at a Fellowship. Get a service position so you’ll have to show up. Or maybe give someone a ride or get a new sponsee (or sponsor). There are many ways to be of service and get out of ourselves.

4. Reach out to newcomers. Even if you’re a newcomer, perhaps someone with a few less days than you would benefit from your experience. Our attendance at meetings isn’t only for ourselves, it’s to help others as well (which helps us).

5. Start a new tradition. Get together with (sober) friends for a Gratitude Celebration. Bake some cookies—even if you’ve never done it before. Decorate in a manner that is meaningful to you. Write an intention list. Find what’s positive about any holiday.

6. Remember, it’s still a day at a time. Holidays are still just one 24-hour period.

You might also want to see 6 tips on attending events where alcohol will be served