24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

EBI Board of Directors

Purpose of the Board

Board members have an obligation to ensure the organization abides by all state and federal laws governing nonprofit entities, and provides support in areas such as public relations, legal matters, and human resources. The board also sees that the organization handles its assets responsibly.

Alt Ego AA Member

Board Nominations

If you or someone you know might be a good fit to serve on the EBI Board of Directors, please complete the nomination form.

Board Members

Current EBI Board of Directors

Board Chair

Cynthia J.

Board Treasurer

Tom V.

Board Secretary

Dolores T.

Board Member

Jamie K.

Board Member

Eric M.

Board Member

Scott W.

Office Coordinator

The Office Coordinator oversees the functions and activities of the Central Office. The Office Coordinator is also the Chair of the Board of East Bay Intergroup, Inc.  

TERM: The term of service for this position is determined by the board. 


  • Facilitates Intergroup board meetings. 
  • Prepares monthly report for Intergroup meetings 
  • Acts as a liaison between board members and the Office Administrator 
  • Communicates directly with Office Administrator and Intergroup Chair in regard to all activities related to East Bay Intergroup Inc.  
  • Calls special meetings as needed in accordance with the bylaws of Eastbay Intergroup Inc

Tradition Six

Problems of money, property, and authority may easily divert us from our primary spiritual aim. We think, therefore, that any considerable property of genuine use to A.A. should be separately incorporated and managed, thus dividing the material from the spiritual. An A.A. group, as such, should never go into business. Secondary aids to A.A., such as clubs or hospitals which require much property or administration, ought to be incorporated and so set apart that, if necessary, they can be freely discarded by the groups. Hence such facilities ought not to use the A.A. name. Their management should be the sole responsibility of those people who financially support them. For clubs, A.A. managers are usually preferred. But hospitals, as well as other places of recuperation, ought to be well outside A.A.- and medically supervised. While an A.A. group may cooperate with anyone, such cooperation ought never go so far as affiliation or endorsement, actual or implied. An A.A. group can bind itself to no one.
– Long Form (Big Book, page 565, fourth edition.)

Tradition Nine

Each A.A. group needs the least possible organization. Rotating leadership is the best. The small group may elect its secretary, the large group its rotating committee, and the groups of a large metropolitan area their central or intergroup committee, which often employs a full-time secretary. The trustees of the General Service Board are, in effect, our A.A. General Service Committee. They are the custodians of our A.A. Tradition and the receivers of voluntary A.A. contributions by which we maintain our A.A. General Service Office at New York. They are authorized by the groups to handle our over-all public relations and they guarantee the integrity of our principle newspaper, the A.A. Grapevine. All such representatives are to be guided in the spirit of service, for true leaders in A.A. are but trusted and experienced servants of the whole. They derive no real authority from their titles; they do not govern. Universal respect is the key to their usefulness.
– Long Form (Big Book, page 565, fourth edition.)