24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Member Support Means the World to the Still Suffering Alcoholic…..

Alcoholics Anonymous Primary Purpose is to help the still suffering alcoholic.
The AA program of recovery is a way to live free from alcohol.

A central or intergroup office is an AA service office that involves partnership among groups in a community — just as AA groups themselves are partnerships of individuals. A central/intergroup office is established to carry out certain functions common to all the groups — functions which are best handled by a centralized office — and it is usually maintained, supervised, and supported by these groups in their general interest. It exists to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the AA message to the alcoholic who still suffers.                                                                                            – Alcoholics Anonymous, Central or Intergroup Offices, publication MG-02

An Intergroup/Central Office is a Sixth and Ninth Tradition organization.

East Bay Intergroup AA Members Service Information

The AA program is a way to live free from alcohol.

Stock Photo. Membership in AA is unknown.

East Bay Intergroup/Central Office serves the local AA groups by coordinating public outreach in our area. We Serve the Primary Purpose of AA by providing 24/7 Helpline support, providing Chat support on the EBI website, and messaging the public through the PI and CPC committees. EBI maintains an up-to-date and searchable website so that those who need help can find the AA program of recovery in the Bay Area online.

Intergroups commonly provide support to other AA area service committees like Bridging The Gap, Hospitals & Institutions, the Hard-of-Hearing community, and Young People’s groups. 

The Intergroup monthly meeting encourages liaisons from Districts 07 and District 70 as well as other AA Bay Area service groups 

Participating groups support a full-service bookstore stocked with chips, literature from AA World Service and Grapevine materials for AA members and treatment centers that provide AA materials for their clients.

Without these services, many alcoholics may die without ever being introduced to Alcoholics Anonymous or getting the opportunity to live free from alcohol using the AA program of recovery.

Alcoholics Anonymous Primary Purpose is to help the still suffering alcoholic. The AA program of recovery is a way to live free from alcohol.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of EBI is to provide service activities, functions, and programs which strengthen Alcoholics Anonymous (hereinafter referred to as AA) unity and spirit of the primary purpose while perpetuating the program of AA in our Community, located in Western Contra Costa County and Western Alameda County. A service center office is maintained by EBI for the purpose of conducting ordinary AA business and to serve individual Groups and AA as a whole. This body is a partnership of community AA Groups, whereby all Groups equally enjoy the benefits of its operation. Meetings, Groups, register at their own request for the common purpose of sharing and exchanging information amongst themselves. Responsibility of service activities is placed at the Group’s level, and all service center activities are guided by the Twelve Traditions and the Group’s will and conscience. Unity of purpose, thought, and deed is of primary importance in all EBI actions. The continued advancement of the AA Program through the performance of service work is the ultimate objective of EBI.

Alcoholism Recovery meeting place

Service Area

The EBI Central Service Office (CSO) shall be located preferably in a central location in Western Alameda County and Western Contra Costa County. At present, the office is at Rockridge Fellowship, 3989 Howe Street, Oakland Ca. Mailing address, 4096 Piedmont Ave., Box 407, Oakland, CA 94611. 

The office is located within the boundaries of the service area. Officers shall be elected in December of the odd year and take office in January. They will serve for two years only in their position and rotate out of office. It is expected the officer has been an active intergroup representative and has had experience on an intergroup committee. There shall be a standing committee of EBI known as “The Board.” There will be six board members. The term of office is two (2) years and the members may serve an additional two (2) years if they so choose. Three board members shall rotate off the board each year. They shall choose amongst themselves who will serve as Chair/Office Coordinator, Alternate Chair/Recording Secretary, and Treasurer for successive two (2) year terms or for any other length of office they choose amongst themselves. The board shall be presented to the EBI at each December meeting for disapproval if any. Five (5) years of continuous sobriety is required for all directors. Nominees should be carefully considered when considering the responsibilities the board shall need to be filled.

“For thousands of alcoholics yet to come, AA does have an answer. But there is one condition. We must, at all costs, preserve our essential unity; it must be made unbreakably secure. Without permanent unity there can be little lasting recovery for anyone. Hence our future depends upon the creation and observance of a sound group Tradition. First things will always need to be first: humility before success, and unity before fame.”

Service Opportunitites

We have many opportunities to provide valuable service, that allows the hand of Alcoholics Anonymous to always be there.

Eastbay Intergroup, Inc. Reports. IGR Meeting.

Links to archives of Intergroup meeting agendas / minutes and Eastbay Intergroup, Inc. financial reports.

Bookstore Information

Information about the Eastbay Intergroup Bookstore including location, store hours and price lists.

Contribute to Eastbay Intergroup, Inc.

Your contribution helps ensure the hand of AA will always be there for the alcoholic who still suffers.


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AA General Service Structure and Central Offices

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“By our Twelve Steps we have recovered, by our Twelve Traditions we have unified, and through our
Third Legacy — Service — we shall carry the AA message down through the corridors of time to come.”
–  AA Co-Founder, Bill W., November 1951

Trusted Servants

Our Current Service Leaders

“In AA, we discover that it is impossible to give without receiving, or receive without giving.”

The First Helpline in the East Bay;
“In October 1941,

Pauline G., nonalcoholic wife of AA member Ralph G. became the AA “Oakland Group ” Corresponding Secretary, she installed a telephone in her home, offering day and night service to AA members and the suffering Alcoholic”.

Service statement.
Responsibility of service activities is placed at the group’s level, and all service center activities are guided by the Twelve Traditions and the Groups’ will and conscience. Unity of purpose, thought, and deed is of primary importance in all East Bay Intergroup actions.
The continued advancement of the A.A. Program through the performance of service work is the ultimate objective of the East Bay Intergroup Service members.

Board Nominations

The EBI Board of Directors seeks members interested in service to apply for a Board position for the 2025-2026 term (Jan 2025-Dec 2026). This is a deeply gratifying way to help our community! We seek new members who have experience with accounting, budgets, and technological experience.