24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Service & Birthday Meetings

Celebrate Recovery

Many AA groups celebrate sobriety milestones.
Birthday meetings celebrate individual members who have achieved periods of time sober. 
Find birthday meetings by scrolling down on this page, or go to the meeting list page and select “Birthdays” from the “Type” section at the top of the meeting list.
Birthday meetings are open meetings. Everyone is welcome.

What to Expect at an A.A. Meeting

AA offers a variety of meetings, including meetings for people of color, women, LGBTQ+ and the gender non-conforming, newcomers, young people, atheists, and agnostics. Many meetings are all-inclusive, for anyone with a desire to stop drinking. New meetings are being added every day.

AA groups have both open and closed meetings. Closed meetings are for AA members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinking.” Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’ program of recovery from alcoholism.

Non-alcoholics may attend open meetings as observers. AA meetings are conducted by the members of the group, they determine the format of their meetings.

Service Keeps Us Sober

Intergroup/Central Offices were created to help the groups coordinate the message of recovery in their community outreach efforts. 
The area groups working together to reach the still suffering alcoholic, be it the 24 hour Helpline, a Twelve Step call or taking a presentation to a professional organization, so they might better understand how to help the alcoholic.

Find out how you or your group can get involved. 
Your efforts, your contribution to Service, may mean the world to an alcoholic.

Stay connected.
East Bay Intergroup Private Facebook Page

How to Fix Your Meeting Listing

Please help us keep this meeting list up to date. Accurate information is critical for the newcomers.
Encourage your group secretary or meeting coordinator to correct any information that might be incorrect on the meeting list.

Printed Meeting Guide

Printed “Meeting Guides” are available at the East Bay Intergroup bookstore.
Email us at officeadministrator@eastbayaa.org for more information.

East Bay Intergroup

Service statement.

Responsibility of service activities is placed at the group’s level. All service center activities are guided by the Twelve Traditions and the Groups’ will and conscience. Unity of purpose, thought, and deed is of primary importance in all East Bay Intergroup actions.
The continued advancement of the A.A. Program through the performance of service work is the ultimate objective of the East Bay Intergroup Service members.

Our area currently has 918 meetings in 18 cities with 122 different meeting locations.
TimeMeetingLocation / GroupAddressRegion
Monday6:00 pmFremont Fellowship Mondays at 6:00 pm
Fremont Fellowship
3833 Peralta BlvdFremont
Monday6:30 pmThe Solutions Group *Attendance Confirmation Available*
180 Lewelling Blvd, San Lorenzo, CA 94580, USA
180 Lewelling BlvdSan Lorenzo
Monday7:00 pmPoint Richmond Group *Attendance Confirmation Available*
First United Methodist Church
In-person and Online
201 Martina StPoint Richmond
Monday7:00 pmWomen in Sobriety WIS *Attendance Confirmation Available* Women
Hayward Church of Christ
22307 Montgomery StHayward
Monday7:00 pmMen’s Stag Men
Irvington Presbyterian Church
In-person and Online
4181 Irvington AveFremont
Monday8:00 pmDimond Links *Attendance Confirmation Available*
1255 1st Ave, Oakland, CA 94606, USA
In-person and Online
1255 1st AveOakland
Monday8:00 pmNorthbrae Mon Night *Attendance Confirmation Available*
Northbrae Community Church
941 The AlamedaBerkeley
Monday10:00 pmThe Late Show *Attendance Confirmation Available*
Lutheran Church of the Cross- Fellowship Hall
1744 University AveBerkeley
Monday10:00 pmThe Late Show Online
The Late Show
1744 University AveBerkeley
Tuesday6:30 pmUnwasted Women Child Friendly *ATTENDANCE CONFIRMATION AVAILABLE* Women
Tuesday7:00 pmLavender Hill LGBTQ *Attendance Confirmation Available*
Rockridge Fellowship
3989 Howe StOakland
Tuesday7:15 pmSisters in the Solution *Attendance Confirmation Available* Women
First United Methodist Church
In-person and Online
1600 Bancroft AveSan Leandro
Tuesday7:30 pmGratitude
Faith Lutheran Church
20080 Redwood RdCastro Valley
Wednesday6:00 pmWomen’s Serenity *Attendance Confirmation Available* Women
Immanuel Lutheran Church
1910 Santa Clara AveAlameda
Wednesday7:30 pmCenterville Fellowship Wednesdays at 7:30 pm
Centerville Fellowship
In-person and Online
4500 Thornton AveFremont
Wednesday7:30 pmTriangle Fellowship The Ladies Room *Attendance Confirmation Available* Women
Triangle Fellowship
22654 Mission BlvdHayward
Wednesday8:00 pmThe Upper Room
1626 10th StOakland
Wednesday8:00 pmWild Bunch
Lutheran Church of the Cross- Fellowship Hall
1744 University AveBerkeley
Wednesday8:00 pmBridge to Hope Chinese and English AA Meeting *Attendance Confirmation Available*
Thursday6:30 pmThe Solutions Group *Attendance Confirmation Available*
180 Lewelling Blvd, San Lorenzo, CA 94580, USA
180 Lewelling BlvdSan Lorenzo
Thursday7:00 pmBerkeley Fellowship Newcomers/Sobriety Birthday Online Meeting
Berkeley Fellowship
1027 University AveBerkeley
Thursday7:00 pmSober Sisters Women
Rockridge Fellowship
3989 Howe StOakland
Thursday7:30 pmChips and Cake (Birthday/Disc Mtg) *Attendance Confirmation Available*
Kehilla Community Synagogue
1300 Grand AveOakland
Friday6:15 am1st Friday Speaker Meeting *Attendance Confirmation Available*
2501 Harrison StOakland
Friday6:30 amTriangle Fellowship The Breakfast Club *Attendance Confirmation Available*
Triangle Fellowship
In-person and Online
22654 Mission BlvdHayward
FridayNoonRap At Noon *Attendance Confirmation Available*
First Unitarian Church of Oakland
In-person and Online
685 14th StOakland
FridayNoonWalnut Square Group
Walnut Square Group
1501 Walnut StBerkeley
Friday6:30 pmThe Weekenders
Rockridge Fellowship
3989 Howe StOakland
Friday6:30 pmWeekenders
Rockridge Fellowship
In-person and Online
3989 Howe StOakland
Friday8:00 pmPark Street Center 2nd Friday Speaker/Chip Meeting
Park Street Center
1510 Oak StAlameda
Friday8:00 pmRRF Formal Fridays *Attendance Confirmation Available*
Rockridge Fellowship
3989 Howe StOakland
Friday8:15 pmIn-Between Fellowship Fridays at 8:15 pm (Last Friday of the Month Only)
In-Between Fellowship
4710 International BlvdOakland
Saturday7:00 amFremont Fellowship Good News Group
Fremont Fellowship
3833 Peralta BlvdFremont
Saturday7:30 pmESF Zoom Birthday night 2nd Saturday of month ONLY *Attendance Confirmation Available*
El Sobrante Fellowship
4980 Appian WayEl Sobrante
Saturday7:30 pmESF Birthday night last Saturday of month *Attendance Confirmation Available*
El Sobrante United Methodist Church
5151 Argyle RdEl Sobrante
Saturday8:00 pm2nd Sat Birthday Speaker Meeting In-Person
First United Methodist Church
1600 Bancroft AveSan Leandro
Saturday8:00 pmIsland Fellowship Birthday Meeting (Last Saturday Every Month Only)
Island Fellowship
1828 Lincoln AveAlameda
Saturday8:00 pmBridge to Hope Chinese and English AA Meeting *Attendance Confirmation Available*
Saturday8:00 pmTriangle Fellowship Birthday Meeting – Last Saturday *Attendance Confirmation Available*
Triangle Fellowship
22654 Mission BlvdHayward
Saturday8:30 pmEl Cerrito Fellowship Saturday (Last Saturday Speaker/Birthday Chip Mtg)
El Cerrito Fellowship

Service Meetings

“In AA, we discover that it is impossible to give without receiving, or receive without giving.”

Service statement.
Responsibility of service activities is placed at the group’s level, and all service center activities are guided by the Twelve Traditions and the Groups’ will and conscience. Unity of purpose, thought, and deed is of primary importance in all East Bay Intergroup actions.
The continued advancement of the A.A. Program through the performance of service work is the ultimate objective of the East Bay Intergroup Service members.

Board Nominations

The EBI Board of Directors seeks members interested in service to apply for a Board position for the 2025-2026 term (Jan 2025-Dec 2026). This is a deeply gratifying way to help our community! We seek new members who have experience with accounting, budgets, and technological experience.