24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held May 17, 2023

Does your group have an Intergroup Representative (IGR)? Be sure your group’s voice is being heard by electing an IGR and participating in the monthly Intergroup meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

Our Treasurer, Teddy B.-W., reported that EBI took in approximately $10,021, including $7,145 in 7th tradition contributions. After expenses, there is a net balance of $1,935. See April Financials. The Board has created a Finance Committee to help craft and monitor the budget as well propose a new prudent reserve. The board will meet quarterly. Scott W. and Mark F. were nominated and unanimously elected to the new committee. Lindsay P., the EBI Office Administrator, received notification from the I.R.S. of a discrepancy in our payroll taxes from 2019. We are resolving the issue. Please see Teddy’s report under April Financials for more details.


The Bookstore is out of Living Sober because there are currently no copies available from World Services. There was a housekeeping motion to raise bookstore prices to match the increase from GSO. It passed without dissent.

Intergroup Meeting Group Inventory

EBI has formed an ad-hoc committee to clarify the questions for an upcoming inventory.


Chair Scott H. held an election for four open positions, and David B was elected Recording Secretary. We’re all grateful for David stepping up to fill this role. There were no volunteers or nominees for the other positions: Alternate Chair, Chat Line Chair, PI/CPC Chair. These are important positions, crucial to the functioning of Intergroup. If you can help by filling one of these, please contact Scott at sjw2131@gmail.com

Also, please announce at your meetings.

The next East Bay Intergroup meeting is Wednesday, June 21, at 7 pm.

Meeting ID: 826 4219 5246
Passcode: 065121

Board Nominations

The EBI Board of Directors seeks members interested in service to apply for a Board position for the 2025-2026 term (Jan 2025-Dec 2026). This is a deeply gratifying way to help our community! We seek new members who have experience with accounting, budgets, and technological experience.