24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

By Bill M.

We are taking a light-hearted look at sponsorship this month, through the eyes of everybody’s favorite fictional bleeding deacon, Al Kasaurus (say it fast). Al is fielding questions on sponsorship and sharing his wisdom with patrons of the Sponsorship Café.

Dear Al: My sponsee calls me all the time and just wants to whine about her personal problems. How should I deal with that?  –  Dumped On

Dear Dumped: Tell her that expectations are resentments waiting to happen, and when she points a finger at someone else there are three fingers pointing back at her. That should keep her out of your hair for a day or two.

Dear Al: I’m working with a guy who is arguing about Step Six, saying nobody can be “entirely ready…” Any ideas? –  Willie P

Dear Willie: In 1967 there was a guy around here named Steady Eddie who used to argue the same thing. We told him to try some controlled drinking. He did, and we never saw him again. Guess he wasn’t ready. Share that with your guy.

Dear Al: One of my sponsees told me he had a huge craving last week and asked if he was not working a good program. Is he?  –  Uncertain

Dear Uncertain: Craving schmaving. Tell him you’ve spilled more booze than he ever drank and if he still has a watch, he’s not done yet. If he gets off the pity pot, more will be revealed.

Dear Al: I went to coffee with a sponsee last week and she shared that she is going to cut back on going to  meetings to once a week. She just got her nine-month chip. How should I deal with that?  –  Betty M

Dear Betty M: There was a Betty M. in my home group in 1976. She used to say, “We just don’t drink, no matter what.” I say, “Trust in God, clean house and help others. I don’t know which one keeps me sober, so I do them all.Hope this helps.

Dear Al: I’m working Step Three with a new sponsee who says her Higher Power is Snow White. Do you think that could work?  –  Stumped

Dear Stumped: Three frogs are sitting on a log. One makes a decision to jump in the water. How many are left? I don’t see a problem as long as she doesn’t talk about Dopey when she shares.

If you have a sponsorship question for Al Kasaurus, email him at newsletter@eastbayaa.org

Bill M.’s Home Group is BYOBook, 9 am, Saturdays, at Faith Lutheran Church in Castro Valley. Hybrid Meeting – Zoom Code is 871-0897-4652. Passcode is 110619.

Board Nominations

The EBI Board of Directors seeks members interested in service to apply for a Board position for the 2025-2026 term (Jan 2025-Dec 2026). This is a deeply gratifying way to help our community! We seek new members who have experience with accounting, budgets, and technological experience.