24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

AA and Online Anonymity

Alcoholics Anonymous is Not an Anonymous Organization.

Members of AA protect their anonymity:

AA Members protect their anonymity to protect their professional and private lives, the lives of other alcoholics, and most importantly, those seeking help with their drinking problem: the newcomer.

Your anonymity will be protected. AA does not keep personal information on their members or guest.

Your anonymity will be protected. AA does not keep information on their members nor track or record who contacts them.

We encourage groups and members to navigate the virtual realm in the spirit of the 11th Tradition.

Tradition 11

Our relations with the general public should be characterized by personal anonymity.
We think A.A. ought to avoid sensational advertising. Our names and pictures as A.A.
members ought not be broadcast, filmed, or publicly printed. Our public relations
should be guided by the principle of attraction rather than promotion. There is never
need to praise ourselves. We feel it better to let our friends recommend us. 
 – A.A.W.S. Long Form Traditions

Anonymity in Alcoholics Anonymous

Links to guidelines from the General Service Office in New York

Alt Ego AA Member

Links to A.A.W.S. PSA's, video's, public information.

HD Broadcast-quality Public Service Announcement Downloads
Alt Ego AA Member

Links to A.A.W.S. PSA's, video's, public information.

HD Broadcast-quality Public Service Announcement Downloads

The First Helpline in the East Bay;
“In October 1941,

Pauline G., nonalcoholic wife of AA member Ralph G. became the AA “Oakland Group ” Corresponding Secretary, she installed a telephone in her home, offering day and night service to AA members and the suffering Alcoholic”.

Service statement.
Responsibility of service activities is placed at the group’s level, and all service center activities are guided by the Twelve Traditions and the Groups’ will and conscience. Unity of purpose, thought, and deed is of primary importance in all East Bay Intergroup actions.
The continued advancement of the A.A. Program through the performance of service work is the ultimate objective of the East Bay Intergroup Service members.