24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Contribute to East Bay Intergroup, Inc.

Member Support Means the World to the Still Suffering Alcoholic...

A.A. Member Contributions

The AA groups themselves ought to be fully supported by the voluntary contributions of their own members.

We think that each group should soon achieve this ideal; that any public solicitation of funds using the name of Alcoholics Anonymous is highly dangerous, whether by groups, clubs, hospitals, or other outside agencies; that acceptance of large gifts from any source, or of contributions carrying any obligation whatever, is unwise. 

 Tradition Seven, Long Form

East Bay Intergroup, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Scroll to bottom of page for information on types of contributions.

The primary purpose of East Bay Intergroup is to help inform the greater community about AA and alcoholism so that those who need help can find recovery from alcoholism. 

East Bay Intergroup is an organization created and sustained by AA groups in the San Francisco East Bay.

Digital Contributions - Step 1

Making an online contribution is a two step process. In keeping with AA’s Seventh Tradition of self-support, we accept contributions only from AA groups and members. By completing this short form before making your contribution you are helping to ensure Tradition 7 is honored. Please specify your group’s name rather than group number.

Once you click “Submit” you will be taken to Step Two to make your contribution.

Eastbay Intergroup Contributions

Eastbay Intergroup Contributions

Step One: Who is Making the Contribution?

Manual Contributions

Contribute with Check

Please mail your contribution to East Bay Intergroup, Inc. 4096 Piedmont Avenue Box 407 Oakland, CA 94611.

  • Make check payable to: East Bay Intergroup, Inc.
  • Mark check with: “contribution” and also add your group name as it appears in the meeting schedule if applicable. Please use your group’s name rather than group number.

Contribute with Cash

All cash must be hand delivered to East Bay Intergroup, Inc. located at 3989 Howe St., Oakland, CA 94611.

  • Do not send cash by mail.

Suggested Contribution Breakdown

Group Contributions

East Bay Intergroup, Inc. accepts contributions from meetings, groups and clubs at the Intergroup Office. We accept checks, money orders, cashiers’ checks and cash. Please bring or mail your contributions to the address above. DO NOT MAIL CASH. Always clearly mark your contributions with the name of your meeting or group.

Individual Direct Gifts

East Bay Intergroup, Inc. works fully in accordance with A.A. Traditions. Contributions are accepted ONLY from members or groups of the AA Fellowship. We do not accept outside donations from non-members or from other organizations. Under AA guidelines, contributions from individual members are limited to $7500 per year.

Celebrate Recovery

Birthday Club

Many members of the Fellowship choose to make a contributions to show their gratitude to AA on their sobriety birthday. Typically, this is called becoming a member of the Birthday Club. Members contribute a dollar or some multiple for each year of their sobriety annually. 

Register Your AA Group/Meeting with the General Service Office

Frequently asked, “Will filling out this form ensure my group appears in local meetings lists?” The answer is no. This form is only so that communication can flow between your group and the U.S./Canada Service structure (your district, your area, and your G.S.O.)

Please contact the local A.A. entity that publishes meeting lists such as your local intergroup/central office, district, or area.

East Bay Intergroup is the area information feed for the Meeting Guide app.

New Advisory Action! Virtual Groups and Conference Participation

  1. The U.S./Canada General Service Structure recognize online groups and encourage their participation, listing those groups who ask to be listed within the group’s preferred district and area, with the default option being the location of the group’s primary contact. This supersedes the 1997 Advisory Action that designated online groups as “International Correspondence Meetings.” – 2022
  2. The General Service Board form a committee to explore future possibilities for the participation of online groups in the U.S./Canada General Service structure.

What is an Intergroup/Central Office