24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

People usually get to AA for one of the 4 “L”s: Law, Livelihood, Love, Liver.

The longer I’ve been sober, the better my childhood has become.

If I don’t like a meeting, I don’t have to quit AA. I didn’t stop drinking just because I didn’t like a bar.

My standard was: As long as I wasn’t in prison, I thought I was doing ok.

I drank until I ran out, blacked out or passed out.

I was told the hardest part of doing step 4 is not doing step 4.

Alcohol wasn’t my problem, it was my solution—and THAT’S my problem.

Board Nominations

The East Bay Intergroup Board of Directors is looking for two new candidates to serve on the board for a 2 year term beginning in January 2025. Please click on the button below to view more details and fill out the nomination form.