24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Notes from the January 17, 2024 Intergroup Meeting

Treasurer’s Report 

Teddy W., Treasurer, reported that because East Bay Intergroup (EBI) ended 2023 with about $16K under budget in group contributions, the Finance Committee will meet to get an understanding of the reasons for the shortfall and to discuss whether a reforecast of the 2024 budget is prudent.

Operations Manager’s Report

Lindsay P., Operations Manager, reported that the large print Big Book is back in stock and that a bookstore inventory will be completed on Sunday, January 21. The meeting grid has been updated for meetings that are Zoom only to show location as “on-line only.” Previously, the grid showed “location temporarily closed” which was confusing for in-person meetings that shared the location. 

A bookstore volunteer is needed for 4 hours every 4 weeks on Saturday. Contact Lindsay at officeadministrator@eastbayaa.org to volunteer or for more information.

Board of Directors Report

Walter W., Board Chair, reported that two new members joined the Board and that all positions are now filled. The Board is required to review the EBI Bylaws every 5 years and will be starting the review as well as looking at what is needed for the Board to be ready for 2024.  

Helpline Chair Report

Paul D., Helpline Chair reported he will be rotating out but will stay in the position until a new chair is found. The position is a 15-month commitment and requires 2 years sobriety. Contact Paul at helpline@eastbayaa.org to volunteer or for more information.

Intergroup Business Meeting Chair Report 

Scott W., Business Meeting Chair, reported that the Intergroup inventory ad hoc committee found 3 items to bring back to the group. One of the items was a request for new Intergroup Representative (IGR) orientation. A motion was passed to have IGR orientation once a month. 

Under new business, Scott reported that the EBI Bylaws require that an annual meeting be held every February. There was a discussion on how the IGRs wanted to hold the annual meeting. It was agreed that the annual meeting would be separate from the IGR meeting and would be held in March. More details will be coming. 

H&I Liaison Report 

Dave Fraser, H&I Liaison to Intergroup, reported that there is a need for secretary and facility coordinators for H&I. For more information, attend the H&I meeting on the first Wednesday of the month on Zoom. Orientation is at 6:30 pm and business meeting is at 7:30 pm.  Meeting ID: 317 259 5765 Passcode: ACTION. Contact Dave at fraserd@comcast.net