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Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held April 19, 2023

Does your group have an Intergroup Representative (IGR)? Be sure your group’s voice is being heard by electing an IGR and participating in the monthly Intergroup meeting.

March Financials

EBI took in approximately $12,509, including $5,500 in 7th tradition contributions from groups. After expenses, there is a net balance of $2,166. See March Financials.


On April 2nd, a day the bookstore was closed, volunteers completed an inventory of all material, which took about 30 person hours. Our inventory stands at $19,204. Lindsay also reported that A.A. World Services is raising prices of literature. Books are going up 20% and pamphlets 30%. The bookstore has bought as much inventory at the old prices as we can practically store. IGRs agreed that we will eventually have to raise prices to compensate. Profits from the bookstore go toward rent and other overhead. Most of these expenses are paid for by group funds, but bookstore profit margins help.

Intergroup Meeting Group Inventory

Questions for an Intergroup inventory were further refined. IGRs continue to bring these questions to their groups for discussion. We have not yet chosen a date for the inventory.

Moving the Intergroup Meeting to In-Person

The issue came up on whether the Intergroup meeting should move to in-person. Many feel that we get better participation with an in-person element, but not everyone can attend in-person. There will be further discussion on this issue in future Intergroup meetings.


Mary M. pointed out that there were no names listed in the last minutes, only service positions. It was generally agreed that we should record names in the minutes and the group represented if the speaker is an IGR, holds a service position, or is a member of the board.


Chair Scott H. held an election for four open positions: Intergroup Meeting Recording Secretary, Alternate Chair, Chat Line Chair, PI/CPC Chair. There were no volunteers or nominees for any of these positions. These are important positions, crucial to the functioning of Intergroup. If you can help by filling one of these, please contact Scott at sjw2131@gmail.com

Also, please announce at your meetings.

The next East Bay Intergroup meeting is Wednesday, May 17, at 7 pm.

Meeting ID: 826 4219 5246
Passcode: 065121