24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Sign up for the Intergroup Newsletter!

Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter Contribute an Article The Newsletter Committee welcomes articles written by other members. Share your experience, strength, and hope. Articles should be 300-500 words. Email your story to the Newsletter Committee. Send story to: newsletter@eastbayaa.org A great way to be of service. We look forward to hearing from you. Join […]

Join us in Bridging the Gap!

Bridging The Gap is made up of AA members that help people transition from hospitals and institutions to AA in their home communities. Please see flyer for details on how to get involved.

EBI Newsletter Statement of Purpose

The East Bay Intergroup (EBI) Newsletter is published monthly and is produced and written by the newsletter committee and EBI members. The newsletter helps EBI carry the message of recovery to alcoholics by informing members of special events, service opportunities, EBI business, and other news of interest. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in EBI Newsletter are strictly […]

History: Satin Dolls Women’s Meeting

Satin Dolls meets on Tuesdays from 7:30 to 8:30pm at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on the corner of Woodruff and Excelsior Avenues in Oakland. It is a speaker-discussion meeting except on the last Tuesday of each month, when we study one of the Twelve Steps, celebrate birthdays, with chips, and share cupcakes or other treats. […]

EBI Newsletter Statement of Purpose

The East Bay Intergroup Newsletter is published monthly by the East Bay Intergroup (EBI) of Alcoholics Anonymous and is produced and written by EBI members. The primary purpose of the newsletter is to share and carry the message of recovery to the still suffering alcoholic. The secondary purpose of the newsletter is to provide a […]