24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held July 19, 2023

Treasurer’s Report

EBI took in $9,492 including $5,865 in contributions. After expenses of $8,604 there is a net surplus of $881. Our prudent reserve is over $55,000, and we have over $10,000 cash in hand. See May Financials.

Office Administrator’s Report

Lindsay reported that Square was chosen as the Point of Sale software for the bookstore. Pocket Big Books are back in stock. She needs volunteers to sign up for shifts to attend Zoom meetings listed in the directory to confirm that they are still active. Please contact Lindsay for more information. There was a housekeeping motion to pay for 125 meeting guides for Bonita House. The motion passed without dissent.

Board of Directors Report

Walter W. reported that two new committees have been formed and have begun meeting. The Finance Committee will advise on financial issues including revising the prudent reserve. The Technology Advisory Group will help with the website and office technology.

Board openings are approaching. See board positions and application/nomination form.

Intergroup Meeting Group Inventory Date Set for October 11

IGRs voted to hold the inventory on October 11 at 6pm at the same Zoom location as the regular meeting. Intergroup has been discussing the inventory all year; the inventory questions have been selected and the date of the inventory is set. Everyone is welcome to attend, not just IGRs.

All Groups Day is Back on September 10

IGRs agreed to hold All Groups Day on September 10 at Roberts Regional Recreation Area. There will be a Zoom planning meeting on August 27 at 4:30. Please come to the meeting if you can help out; this is a fun and popular event.

Meeting ID: 826 4219 5246
Passcode: 065121

We still need a Special Events Chair and will continue to search for one. Contact Scott W. at sjw2131@gmail.com if you can serve.

ASL Interpreter

Patricia made a passionate plea for Intergroup to fund an ASL interpreter for at least one existing in-person meeting. This will be discussed at the next meeting. If you would like to support this, talk to the IGR for your meeting, or if your meeting doesn’t have one, become an IGR for your meeting.

Sponsors Needed for Long-Term Rehabs

Hannah announced that Area 53 H&I has a new effort to match sponsors with people inside long-term rehab facilities. They are looking for people with at least 3 years of sobriety, solid sponsorship experience and ability to visit in-person at least once a month. See flyer for more information on how you can serve.

The next East Bay Intergroup meeting is Wednesday, August 16, at 7 pm.

Meeting ID: 826 4219 5246
Passcode: 065121

Does your group have an Intergroup Representative (IGR)? Be sure your group’s voice is being heard by electing an IGR and participating in the monthly Intergroup meeting.