24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

40th Annual Women’s Symposium

Planning Committee meetings starting 1/27/2024, 8:30am, subsequent 4th Saturdays till the event on 8/3/2024Zoom: 827 8072 1552 PW:1984Urgent need for website monitor and many other positions.All day event with a main speaker, two other speakers, food, and small break out groups.

EBI Bookstore Price Hike

Effective June 1st all AAWS books will increase by 20% and pamphlets by 30%. On April 3rd AAWS raised their prices by this same percentage which necessitated a corresponding boost in the Bookstore. Click here for the new pricelist.

Sign up for the Intergroup Newsletter!

Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter Contribute an Article The Newsletter Committee welcomes articles written by other members. Share your experience, strength, and hope. Articles should be 300-500 words. Email your story to the Newsletter Committee. Send story to: newsletter@eastbayaa.org A great way to be of service. We look forward to hearing from you. Join […]

Join us in Bridging the Gap!

Bridging The Gap is made up of AA members that help people transition from hospitals and institutions to AA in their home communities. Please see flyer for details on how to get involved.

Tips to Stay Sober Through the Holidays

  The holidays can be a difficult time to stay sober for many reasons, and this year adds extra challenges—but also some new opportunities. Here are some tips to make it through the holidays sober. Remember: meetings are just a click away at all times. 1. Line up your Zoom meetings in advance. Go to […]

Board Nominations

The East Bay Intergroup Board of Directors is looking for two new candidates to serve on the board for a 2 year term beginning in January 2025. Please click on the button below to view more details and fill out the nomination form.