24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Saying Yes to Service (How the Intergroup Scoop Was Born)

In the summer of 2020, Mary M. contacted then-Intergroup Office Administrator James R., inquiring about whether Central Office needed help documenting guidelines for Zoom and in-person meetings. James declined the offer but asked Mary to help recruit newsletter committee members and start a newsletter. James, Mary and others recruited additional members and the newsletter committee […]

AA History: Naming the Big Book…And the Program

by Dan M. In coming months, we’ll explore the history of the creation of the book, Alcoholics Anonymous. One thing that always surprises people new to this story is that Bill W. was only 3 ½ years sober when he wrote the first 164 pages, which became the primary text for the AA program. He […]

Heard in a Meeting: When I’m drinking, I’ll steal your wallet and….

When I’m drinking, I’ll steal your wallet and help you look for it. I try to practice what I call “sneaky kindness” — doing something for someone else and not get found out. I was told to focus on the step I’m on and not the whole staircase. When they passed the basket, I thought […]