East Bay Trudgers Winter/Spring 2025 Hiking Schedule

6 Tips on Making it Through the Holidays Sober

The holidays can be a difficult time to stay sober for many reasons—protect your sobriety with these tips. 1. Meetings and more meetings. As is true year-round, meetings are an important tool to keep us connected and sober. Stock up now. It’s always easier to keep going to meetings than to start going to meetings. […]
AA History: Jack Alexander’s 1941 “Saturday Evening Post” Article—A Milestone in AA History

by Dan M. “They were good-looking and well-dressed, and as we sat around drinking Coca-Cola, they spun yarns about their horrendous drinking misadventures. The stories sounded spurious, and after the visitors had left, I had a strong suspicion that my leg was being pulled.” The 1941 article by Jack Alexander in the Saturday Evening Post […]
Heard in a Meeting: The meeting had my 3 favorites C’s: Cookies, coffee and….

The meeting had my 3 favorites C’s: Cookies, coffee and convicts. When I start I can’t stop and I can’t stop starting. I always keep my pivot foot in AA. When I asked my sponsor if I should do something or not, she’d say, “Well, it’ll be a blessin’ or it’ll be a lesson.” My […]
Sponsorship Café: Not All AA Wisdom is Found in the Big Book

Early in sobriety, my sponsor explained that I would be hearing strong suggestions for solid recovery practices that are not mentioned in the Big Book…Those learnings, often borne of personal experience, flow from alcoholic to alcoholic and sponsor to sponsee. In a meeting recently, a member said, “AA has given me a life I never […]
6 Tips to Stay Sober at Holiday Events

Negotiating holiday events, whether family gatherings or other parties where alcohol is served, can be tricky. Be prepared—here are some tips to avoid slips: 1. Keep your glass full of a healthy beverage such as sparkling cider or bubbly water (many members recommend against non-alcoholic wine or beer, as they can be reminders of what […]
AA History: ‘…as we understood Him’ – Jim B.

by Dan M. One of the most important contributions to AA’s spirituality and accessibility came from Jim B., one of its most vocal atheists. Jim, whose story is told in the Big Book in The Vicious Cycle (p. 219 in the 4th edition), fought hard to keep the program accessible to believers and non-believers alike. […]
Heard in a Meeting: My mother told me if the bottle starts to go too fast,…

My mother told me if the bottle starts to go too fast, I might have a problem. So I bought a bigger bottle. Very sadly, my wife developed a bad case of Alanon-ism. I got sober without my permission. Resentment is like setting myself on fire, hoping the smoke will bother the other person. In […]
Sponsorship Café: Guest Columnist this month – Meet Al Kasaurus

By Bill M. We are taking a light-hearted look at sponsorship this month, through the eyes of everybody’s favorite fictional bleeding deacon, Al Kasaurus (say it fast). Al is fielding questions on sponsorship and sharing his wisdom with patrons of the Sponsorship Café. Dear Al: My sponsee calls me all the time and just wants […]
Plain Language Big Book: A Tool for Reading “Alcoholics Anonymous”

From A.A. World Services: For years, A.A. members have expressed a need for a Plain Language Big Book. Based on the shared experience of A.A. members, some people may not have regular contact with other A.A. members to help them understand the A.A. program of recovery and the specific vocabulary as it is used throughout […]