24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held August 16, 2023

Treasurer’s Report

EBI Board Treasurer Teddy B.W. reported that contributions for July were $9,803 (in comparison to June contributions of $5,865); total income was $14,706, including bookstore sales. He mentioned that July is always a good month for contributions, since treasurers turn over at the end of June and the outgoing treasurers for many groups make contributions then. After expenses of $9,940, there is a net surplus of $4,767. See July Financials.

The Board’s Finance Committee has studied the prudent reserve and recommended it be set at six months operating expenses, currently about $47,625, down from our current $55,294. No decision was made on changing this and the item was tabled for future discussion.

Office Administrator’s Report

Lindsay P., EBI office administrator and bookstore manager, reported that the bookstore is fully stocked with books, pamphlets and medallions (chips), and that the World Service Office seems to be emerging from its supply problems.

The bookstore is switching to new software (Square) and Lindsay will be setting up another bookstore inventory to start fresh in the new system. If you or anyone you know can volunteer to help with the bookstore inventory, please contact Lindsay. officeadministrator@eastbayaa.org

Housekeeping Motions: All Groups Day Expense and Google Drive Access

EBI Chair Scott W. presented a motion for no more than $500 to be spent on food for All Groups Day. It passed without dissent. There was also a motion formalizing that the Office Administrator, Lindsay P., control the access to the Google Drive. This too passed without objection.

Presentations: ASL and H&I

Patricia continued the discussion on funding ASL interpretation for one existing meeting for one year. It was agreed that a committee should be formed to choose the meeting and how to proceed.

Hannah from H&I Area 53 continued to explain how sponsorship of alcoholics in rehab facilities will work and encouraged sponors to get involved. See flyer for more information on how you can serve.

Reminder: Intergroup Meeting Group Inventory Date Set for October 11

The EBI inventory will be held on October 11 at 6pm at the same Zoom location as the regular meeting. Intergroup has been discussing the inventory since last year and the inventory questions have been selected Everyone is welcome to attend, not just Intergroup Reps.

Meeting ID: 826 4219 5246
Passcode: 065121

We still need a Special Events Chair and will continue to search for one. Contact Scott W. at sjw2131@gmail.com if you can serve.

The next East Bay Intergroup meeting is Wednesday, September 18, at 7 pm.

Meeting ID: 826 4219 5246
Passcode: 065121

Does your group have an Intergroup Representative (IGR)? Be sure your group’s voice is being heard by electing an IGR and participating in the monthly Intergroup meeting.

Board Nominations

The EBI Board of Directors seeks members interested in service to apply for a Board position for the 2025-2026 term (Jan 2025-Dec 2026). This is a deeply gratifying way to help our community! We seek new members who have experience with accounting, budgets, and technological experience.