Singleness of Purpose-Bill W.
“Sobriety — freedom from alcohol —through the teaching and practice of the Twelve Steps, is the sole purpose of an A.A. group. Singleness of Purpose Sobriety — freedom from alcohol —through the teaching and practice of the Twelve Steps, is the sole purpose of an A.A. group. Groups have repeatedly tried other activities, and they […]
Bridging the Gap

Service in Action Bridging The Gap Bridging the Gap The local Bridging the Gap program, or BTG, connects new members being discharged from a facility to A.A. in their community. Clients can request contacts through the A.A. Temporary Contact/Bridging the Gap Request form. A.A. members can serve as A.A. Temporary Contact/Bridging the Gap Volunteers. Committee members: bring […]

East Bay Intergroup now has a WhatsApp Group. Join our forum where we engage in discussions centered around AA Unity, Service, and Recovery in the Bay Area. Our mission is clear: to foster unity and community, supporting AA’s primary purpose. 🤝 As a collective, we encourage you to freely share valuable information such as Homegroup […]
History of AA
AA History Early AA History in the San Francisco Bay Area A History starting in 1941 for the East Bay and Alameda County Taken from page 67 of the history of the Bay Area.Assembled by Dean K. completed in 1984 after exhaustive research with the assistance of other AA members and records from GSO and […]
Sign up for the Intergroup Newsletter!

Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter Contribute an Article The Newsletter Committee welcomes articles written by other members. Share your experience, strength, and hope. Articles should be 300-500 words. Email your story to the Newsletter Committee. Send story to: A great way to be of service. We look forward to hearing from you. Join […]