24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Sponsorship Cafe: Me, A Sponsor?

by Bill M. Being asked for the first time to be a sponsor created a confusing swirl of emotion for me. My ego said, “Well, it’s about time somebody asked me!” And then my false pride said, “You’re only a year sober, who are you to think you have what it takes to do this […]

January Intergroup Scoop

Notes from the January 17, 2024 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Report  Teddy W., Treasurer, reported that because East Bay Intergroup (EBI) ended 2023 with about $16K under budget in group contributions, the Finance Committee will meet to get an understanding of the reasons for the shortfall and to discuss whether a reforecast of the 2024 budget […]

Heard in a Meeting: My Big Book was so unused…

My Big Book was so unused it could have been re-sold as new. I am a satisfied customer. Every time I get into a relationship, it becomes a battleship, then a sinking ship, and I need the fellowship. I decided to kill myself. Death was an upgrade from the hell I was in. I went […]

12th Step, Tradition, and Concept

Each month we focus on a Step, Tradition, and Concept, and provide a quote from Bill W. Step 12 Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. “True ambition is not what we thought it […]

December Intergroup Scoop

Open Position on Board of Directors There is one opening on the EBI Board for the coming year. If you would like to apply or know someone to nominate, go to the application form. Bookstore The new Point of Sale system is working well, making transactions easier and faster. Lindsay P. is restocking medallions and […]

Thank you and goodbye, Leela

We wish to extend a huge thank you to Newsletter Team Member, Leela R., for her year of service on the EBI Scoop newsletter. Leela joined the team in January and has served as Events/Production manager, for 11 regular issues, plus what will be 2 extra holiday issues. Leela produces the email and writes/edits our […]

Welcome, Bill M., to the Newsletter Team

We welcome Bill M. to the Newsletter Team. Bill joined in October, after taking the newsletter survey and contacting the team. With long-term sobriety, Bill wanted a different type of service position and hoped to make use of his love of writing. He proposed a monthly column focused on sponsorship, a special interest of his, […]

Sponsorship Cafe: Did Early A.A. Members Have Sponsors?

By Bill M. I recently heard someone in a meeting say, “There is no mention of sponsorship in the first 164 pages of the Big Book.” I’ve heard that a few times and always felt it was a glib pronouncement, a myth, so I consulted a word-search program to find out. Guess what? The word […]

Heard in a Meeting: This isn’t Wendy’s…

This isn’t Wendy’s—you can’t have it your way. Sometimes God doesn’t work as fast as 3 shots of tequila, and I have to be patient. My first sober Christmas I called my parents and said, “Good news! I’m coming home for Christmas.” They said, “No, you’re not.” It took a long time for them to […]