11th Step, Tradition, and Concept
Each month we focus on a Step, Tradition, and Concept, and provide a quote from Bill W. Step 11 Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. “The moment we catch […]
Heard in a Meeting: The problem with not drinking is…

The problem with not drinking is you’re sober ALL the time. When I joined A.A., my 12-year-old daughter said she’d never seen me drunk. I told her she’d never seen me sober. At my first meeting, I pulled out my flask and had a few hits from it. I was flabbergasted that no one else […]
October Intergroup Scoop
Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held September 20, 2023 Tim C. made a presentation on how East Bay Intergroup could benefit from hosting a WhatsApp group. The EBI inventory will be held on October 11 at 6pm at the same Zoom location as the regular meeting. Our current reserve stands at $55,000. A motion was […]
10th Step, Tradition, and Concept
Each month we focus on a Step, Tradition, and Concept, and provide a quote from Bill W. Step 10 Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. “One unkind tirade or one willful snap judgment can ruin our relation with another person for a whole day, or maybe a whole […]
Heard in a Meeting: There’s a bottom below…

There’s a bottom below the bottom you know. I didn’t know if I wanted what you had, but I was sick of what I had. I thought I couldn’t be an alcoholic because I hadn’t lost anything. I was told that for some people, the first thing they lose is their life. Alcohol gave both […]
Complete Surrender: Running into the Arms of a Loving Higher Power

By Abigail M. I surrendered to a God of my understanding in the same way I surrendered to the first drink…I believe that the relationship I have with my sponsor mirrors the relationship I have with God. “We learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is […]
September Intergroup Scoop
Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held August 16, 2023 Treasurer’s Report EBI Board Treasurer Teddy B.W. reported that contributions for July were $9,803 (in comparison to June contributions of $5,865); total income was $14,706, including bookstore sales. He mentioned that July is always a good month for contributions, since treasurers turn over at the end […]
9th Step, Tradition, and Concept
Each month we focus on a Step, Tradition, and Concept, and provide a quote from Bill W. Step 9 Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. “As soon as we begin to feel confident in our new way of life and have begun, by […]
Heard in a Meeting: My entire world was the bars, the booze…

My entire world was the bars, the booze, the boys. When I drink I break out in handcuffs. Besides asking who is in their first 30 days, we should also ask who is in their last 30 days. I used God whenever I needed something, basically like a Higher Power of the hour. The cemetery […]
August Intergroup Scoop
Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held July 19, 2023 Treasurer’s Report EBI took in $9,492 including $5,865 in contributions. After expenses of $8,604 there is a net surplus of $881. Our prudent reserve is over $55,000, and we have over $10,000 cash in hand. See May Financials. Office Administrator’s Report Lindsay reported that Square was […]