24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

East Bay Intergroup Announcements


Bridging the Gap Committees

Bridging the Gap

Service in Action Bridging The Gap Bridging the Gap The local Bridging the Gap program, or BTG, connects new members being discharged from a facility

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WhatsApp for Alcoholics


East Bay Intergroup now has a WhatsApp Group. Join our forum where we engage in discussions centered around AA Unity, Service, and Recovery in the

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AA Grapevine App

The New Grapevine App.

The all-new AA Grapevine App. The Grapevine has been helping alcoholics find and share sobriety since 1944. The perfect introduction publication for institutions and public

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The primary purpose of East Bay Intergroup is to help inform the greater community about A.A. and alcoholism so that those who need help can find recovery from alcoholism. 

East Bay Intergroup is an organization created and sustained by A.A. groups in the San Francisco East Bay.

To submit an announcement, please email us at officeadministrator@eastbayaa.org. You can click the button below to start the email.

“In AA, we discover that it is impossible to give without receiving, or receive without giving.”

The First Helpline in the East Bay:
October 1941

Pauline G., the nonalcoholic wife of AA member Ralph G., became the Corresponding Secretary for the AA “Oakland Group.” She installed a telephone in her home, providing day and night service to AA members and those struggling with alcoholism.

Service statement:

The responsibility for service activities lies at the group level, with all service center activities being guided by the Twelve Traditions and the collective will and conscience of the groups. Unity in purpose, thought, and action is of utmost importance in all East Bay Intergroup activities.

The primary goal of East Bay Intergroup service members is the continued advancement of the A.A. Program through dedicated service work.