24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Heard in a Meeting: In A.A. you can pretend to care, but…

      A collection of some of the witty, wise, and wacky things heard in meetings. If you’re coasting, you’re probably going downhill.   My God box is becoming so full, pretty soon it will be a God crate.   My sponsor had me doing so much service, that for me, the a,b,c in […]

Thank you to Juan R. for Newsletter Outreach

Juan R. served on the Newsletter Outreach Team for the January-June term. Juan, who lives in Argentina and attends meetings in the East Bay, has diligently announced the newsletter in meetings, in order to spread the word and get more subscribers from across the East Bay Intergroup area. Some of the meetings Juan attended to […]

7th Step, Tradition, and Concept

Each month we focus on a Step, Tradition, and Concept, and provide a quote from Bill. Step 7 Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. “Everywhere we saw failure and misery transformed by humility into priceless assets. We saw story after story of how humility had brought strength out of weakness.” Twelve Steps and Twelve […]

Heard in a Meeting: Problems I thought were coming at me…

Problems I thought were coming at me were really coming from me. Remember the worst before the first [drink]. I knew I was in serious trouble when the clerk at one of my regular liquor stores asked if I wanted a belt from the bottle right then. The greatest thing the steps did for me […]

July Intergroup Scoop

Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held June 21, 2023 Does your group have an Intergroup Representative (IGR)? Be sure your group’s voice is being heard by electing an IGR and participating in the monthly Intergroup meeting. Treasurer’s Report Our Treasurer, Teddy B.-W., reported that EBI took in $8,137 including $5,724 in contributions. After expenses, there […]

A.A. Pop Quiz

I. What is the missing word of this sentence from the Big Book? Lack of _______, that was our dilemma. a) funds b) alcohol c) resolve d) power e) strength Bonus points: What chapter is this sentence from? ____________ II. How does the Big Book describe the “hideous Four Horsemen”? a) Horror, Regret, Confusion, Depression […]

6th Step, Tradition, and Concept

Each month we focus on a Step, Tradition, and Concept, and provide a quote from Bill. Step 6 Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. “If we ask, God will certainly forgive our derelictions. But in no case does he render us white as snow and keep us that way […]

June Intergroup Scoop

Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held May 17, 2023 Does your group have an Intergroup Representative (IGR)? Be sure your group’s voice is being heard by electing an IGR and participating in the monthly Intergroup meeting. Treasurer’s Report Our Treasurer, Teddy B.-W., reported that EBI took in approximately $10,021, including $7,145 in 7th tradition contributions. […]

May Intergroup Scoop

Notes from the Intergroup Meeting held April 19, 2023 Does your group have an Intergroup Representative (IGR)? Be sure your group’s voice is being heard by electing an IGR and participating in the monthly Intergroup meeting. March Financials EBI took in approximately $12,509, including $5,500 in 7th tradition contributions from groups. After expenses, there is […]

Looking for a unique service position? “Scoop” this one up!

Are you ready to contribute beyond the meeting level? Join the East Bay Intergroup (EBI) Newsletter Team and be of service on the Intergroup Scoop. Expand your skill set, learn what’s happening at EBI, help other alcoholics, and have fun doing it! We need someone to do all or some of the following (depending on […]