24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.


The purpose of East Bay Intergroup is to provide service activities.

Intergroup Representative Service Description

The responsibility for maintaining the existence of the East Bay Intergroup (EBI) rests with the groups.  Therefore, each Group should name an Intergroup Representative (IGR) and an Alternate (Alt-IGR) to serve a specified term as the connecting link between their Group and EBI.

What is an Intergroup Representative?

To help best direct the actions of EBI and its primary purpose in carrying the message of recovery to the community; an IGR brings their Group Conscience to EBI. An IGR serves as a liaison between their Group, its Members, and the EBI Community. 

If you are a new Intergroup Representative
  • Verify your meeting information is accurate and submit any needed changes using this Meeting Update Form.


Encourage your Homegroup to elect an Alternate Intergroup Representative who can attend the monthly meeting in your absence and also become familiar enough to stand for the next panel.

IGRs are expected to serve as a connection between EBI and their Group. They should bring suggestions, feedback, and questions from their Group to EBI. They should also take feedback, questions, and announcements from EBI back to their Groups.

Each IGR actively participates in the discussion and decisions of matters at the Monthly or any Special Meetings of EBI.

Take notes at the East Bay Intergroup Business Meeting and provide a written report for your Homegroup. Coordinate time with your Homegroup secretary for a few minutes during the Homegroups Business Meeting to provide an objective report of what occurred at the last East Bay Intergroup Business Meeting. The goal is obtain your Group Conscience on the various issues and relay that information during the next East Bay Intergroup Business Meeting.

East Bay Intergroup operates under a set of guidelines called the By Laws. There is a copy of the By Laws online. You should read it and be familiar with its provisions.

Recruit members of your group for service on East Bay Intergroup committees or as an East Bay Central Office Volunteer for service positions.

Make sure that your Homegroup’s information is correct on the hard-copy meeting schedule, and the website at Eastbayaa.org. Confirm the Central Office has the name, address, phone and email of your group’s primary contact and group treasurer. In addition, we ask that your group primary contact or IGR notify the East Bay Central Office regarding any changes to your meeting by emailing Centraloffice@eastbayaa.org or filling out the Meeting Update Form.

East Bay Intergroup Business Meeting

EBI Intergroup Meeting
Time: 07:00 PM Pacific Time

Every month on the third Wednesday

Join Zoom Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 4219 5246
Passcode: 065121

EBI Meeting Code
Use Camera to open meeting

One tap mobile
+16699009128,,82642195246#,,,,065121# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,82642195246#,,,,065121# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 826 4219 5246
Passcode: 065121

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Where do we get IGRs? 

All A.A. Groups who hold meetings in our service area can elect an IGR and an Alternate IGR (Alt-IGR) who should have a working knowledge of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions. No one person may represent more than one group.  IGRs & Alt-IGRs begin serving by attending an Orientation Meeting just prior to the regular Monthly General IGR Meeting. 

What if we are a virtual meeting?

Virtual meetings can elect an IGR if they choose to designate the East Bay as their home location.

What are the duties of an Alt-IGR?

Alt-IGR is expected to fill in and cover the duties listed above for the IGR when the IGR can not fulfill them.

Help keep Alcoholics Anonymous solvent. Advise the group treasurer of where the 7th Tradition funds should go after the group’s expenses are met.
It is also important that your group has a primary contact that remains in contact with East Bay Central Office.

Glossary of Terms

  • AREA – Each Area is composed of geographic Districts.  Area 06 is the westernmost edge of the state from Monterey to the Oregon border.
  • BTG – Bridging the Gap.  Bridging The Gap helps alcoholics get to AA from rehab facilities, jails, and other institutions.
  • CNCA – California Northern Coastal Area 06
  • Corrections – Carries the message to prisoners around the U.S. and Canada. N.Y. GSO
  • DCM – District Committee Member.  Oversees and assists GSR in a given subdistrict.
  • DCMC – District Committee Member Chair.  Runs the District Meeting and reports to the Area meeting.
  • Delegate – Represents the Area Group Conscience at the General Service Conference.
  • District – Each Area is divided into service districts. EBI Represents District 70 (Southern Alameda County), District 07 (Northern Alameda County), and the western part of District 08 (Contra Costa County)
  • EBI – East Bay Intergroup.
  • GSO – General Service Office New York.
  • GSR – General Service Representative.  Each Group elects a GSR to represent Group conscience monthly district meetings and area assemblies.  
  • H&I – Hospitals and Institutions.  The service structure that takes meetings into those in hospitals and institutions.
  • Hotline – A 24/7 phone and chat service that Central Office & Intergroup provides to anyone looking for help with a drinking problem.
  • IGR – Intergroup Representative.  Elected representative of a group or meeting or fellowship to be the connection between the central office intergroup and the individual groups
  • PI & CPC – Public Information & Cooperation with the Professional Community.  Responsible for carrying the message of recovery to the greater community.

By our Twelve Steps we have recovered, by our Twelve Traditions we have unified, and through our Third Legacy -- Service -- we shall carry the AA message down through the corridors of time to come.