24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

Newcomer's Committee


The Newcomers Committee provides support to people wishing to stop drinking. A beginner may also be referred to as a newcomer. Support is provided in a variety of ways.


The Newcomer’s Committee sponsors a unique newcomer’s meeting on Tuesdays at 700 pm.
The meeting provides basic information about alcoholism, AA, and myths about AA. We have also created a landing page for newcomers, accessible from the EBI homepage.  We get approximately 15-20 newcomers each week; several people with less than 24 hours of sobriety and/or at their first meeting ever.

The primary purpose of East Bay Intergroup
is to help inform the greater community about A.A. and alcoholism so that those who need help can find recovery from alcoholism.
Eastbay Intergroup is an organization created and sustained by A.A. groups in the San Francisco East Bay.


If you are interested in service to the newcomer, email Liza the Beginners Chair, help@eastbayaa.org

Newcomer's Committee Chair Role


The Newcomer’s Chair must have at least two years of continuous sobriety.


The Newcomer’s Chair serves for 12 months and is normally also a member of the Intergroup Service Board Committee.

By our Twelve Steps we have recovered, by our Twelve Traditions we have unified, and through our Third Legacy -- Service -- we shall carry the AA message down through the corridors of time to come.

“In AA, we discover that it is impossible to give without receiving, or receive without giving.”

Service statement.
Responsibility of service activities is placed at the group’s level, and all service center activities are guided by the Twelve Traditions and the Groups’ will and conscience. Unity of purpose, thought, and deed is of primary importance in all East Bay Intergroup actions.
The continued advancement of the A.A. Program through the performance of service work is the ultimate objective of the East Bay Intergroup Service members.