24 Hour Helpline   510-839-8900 English       510-502-8560 Espanol      Helplines are staffed 24/7 by A.A. member volunteers who have solved their drinking problem.

P.I./C.P.C. Committee


The Public Information (P.I.) Committee members in Alcoholics Anonymous have the responsibility of carrying the message of recovery to the still-suffering alcoholic by informing the general public about the AA and the program of recovery.

Cooperation with the Professional Community (C.P.C.) Committee provides information about recovery to professional communities, what AA is and how it works. Making friends with the community who comes into contact with the still suffering alcoholic.

Each AA group decides whether to separate these committees or in the case of East Bay Intergroup, work as one body, to best define our public message and outreach efforts.
PI/CPC Committee members are responsible for carrying the message of recovery to the still-suffering alcoholic by informing the general public about the AA program.

Many AA members were introduced to AA through a professional or an organization aware of the AA program and its success in saving Alcoholics.

Members of the P.I. Committee are available to provide AA information and make presentations about the AA program upon request. Committee members carry the message of recovery to the media, schools, industry, and other organizations that can report on the nature and purpose of AA and what it can do for alcoholics.


"To reach more alcoholics, understanding of AA and public goodwill towards AA must go on growing everywhere. We need to be on still better terms with medicine, religion, employers, government, courts, prisons, mental hospitals and all enterprises in the alcoholic field. We need the ever-increasing goodwill of editors, writers, television and radio channels. These publicity outlets need to be opened ever wider."


Guidelines for Public Information are spelled out in the MG-07 document.  The AA Guidelines on Cooperation with Professional Communities are spelled out in the MG-11 document.  To assist committee members in fulfilling their service commitment AA published M-27i, the Public Information Workbook.  Additionally, committee members are assisted by M-41i.  These documents and manuals can be found at aa.org.  

P.I./C.P.C. Committee Chair Role

The Eastbay Intergroup Public Information (P.I.) Cooperation with Professional Communities (C.P.C.) Chair leads all activities related to the PI/CPC Committee.


Suggested Requirements

All members of the Service Board Committee are expected to have the following:

Term of Service

The PICPC Chair serves for a one year term. A second term is optional and approved by the IGR’s at the monthly meeting.

Tradition 11

Our relations with the general public should be characterized by personal anonymity.
We think A.A. ought to avoid sensational advertising. Our names and pictures as A.A.
members ought not be broadcast, filmed, or publicly printed. Our public relations
should be guided by the principle of attraction rather than promotion. There is never
need to praise ourselves. We feel it better to let our friends recommend us. 
 – A.A.W.S. Long Form Traditions

Anonymity in Alcoholics Anonymous

Links to guidelines from the General Service Office in New York

Alt Ego AA Member

Links to A.A.W.S. PSA's, video's, public information.

HD Broadcast-quality Public Service Announcement Downloads

Visit our page on anonymity.

EBI Creatives for Outreach

Service Card flies available here

“In AA, we discover that it is impossible to give without receiving, or receive without giving.”

Service statement.
Responsibility of service activities is placed at the group’s level, and all service center activities are guided by the Twelve Traditions and the Groups’ will and conscience. Unity of purpose, thought, and deed is of primary importance in all East Bay Intergroup actions.
The continued advancement of the AA Program through the performance of service work is the ultimate objective of the East Bay Intergroup Service members.

By our Twelve Steps we have recovered, by our Twelve Traditions we have unified, and through our Third Legacy -- Service -- we shall carry the AA message down through the corridors of time to come.